SiewYan Hoh (何守仁)

My personal website, documenting my work. I can be contacted by email: ; or . The website is built from Skeleton@MIT.

LHC Status Navigator

Research project overviews

Project Name Status Description
Leptonic VH analysis Complete PhD work: Study of the leptonic VH process using H->WW decay channel with different number of leptons in final state
Supermonojet Analysis Moved PhD work: Feasibility study on comprehensive experimental signature driven analysis in dark matter searches
CMS-Big Data Complete PhD work: Prototyping an analytical framework base on BigData tool on analyzing CMS collision data (Machine Learning+Data Analysis)
Sherpa Generator Validation Complete PhD work: Validating signal sample generated by Sherpa MC generator to facilitate CMSSW integration
Monte Carlo modelling study on WW On-going Studying the Monte Carlo modelling on WW using Sherpa generator
MC Generator computing performance study Complete Battery of CMS workflows to be studied for memory optimisation, and physics/computing performance comparison, results
Monte Carlo tuning On-going Tuning effort ongoing to target certain boosted regimes where CPx family of tunes do not provide reliable predictions
Gen-production repository restructure On-going Restructuring how CMS stores generator's cards and fragments: Slide by Andreas Albert
CMS Open Data project On-going --
Vector Boson Scattering (ZV) analysis On-going --
Dark Higgs analysis On-going --
Dune experiment On-going Calibrate the cosmic muon background for the detector
ELI experiment On-going studying the interaction of short pulse laser on matter, used in Extreme Light Infastructure
ttbar bparking analysis On-going --

I am teaching the following subjects at UKM:

Subject Program Description
High Energy Physics Bachelor (Nuclear Science) --
Advanced Nuclear Physics Bachelor (Nuclear Science) --
Atomic Physics Bachelor (Nuclear Science) --
Interaction of Radiation with Matter Master (Nuclear Science) --
Quantities and Measurements Master (Nuclear Science) --